23 Feb 2016

Circular Economy: EUROPEN recommendations on the EU legislative proposals for the PPWD and WFD

EUROPEN supports the objectives of the Circular Economy package and much of the content of the legislative proposals, which have important implications for the sustainable growth and competitiveness of the packaging supply chain in Europe. EUROPEN recommendations on the EU legislative proposals for the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD) and Waste Framework Directive (WFD) are as follows:

  1. Safeguard the free movement of packaging and packaged goods in the Internal Market
  2. Harmonise EU waste legislation where relevant, while keeping the sectoral policy approach for packaging and packaging waste (packaging is not a product)
  3. Support minimum requirements on transparency and accountability for EPR schemes for packaging waste
  4. Clarify the shared responsibilities in packaging waste management
  5. Support harmonised though clarified calculation method for ‘preparing for re-use’ / recycling targets for packaging